How To Take Charge Of Your Emotions?

Emotions are caused as a reaction to circumstances and our thought processes. Various feelings give rise to relevant emotions. These emotions vary from person to person depending on their experiences and reactions to thoughts that trigger them.

 Another part of an emotional reaction is when you think differently; like when you are angry, sad, or scared. You can feel the same type of emotion in two different situations.

For e.g. you are scared to give a speech on the stage and when you come face to face with a lion. The emotion of being scared is the same but the situation is different.

We usually want to understand our emotional reactions, which are at times very confusing. Our behaviors, both conscious and unconscious are learned early in life. Many of us have elders in the house where displaying emotions are restricted. The feelings are linked to being “bad” or “good” as per the situations. That being said, as an adult this can lead to difficulties in understanding how to regulate emotional experiences. Thinking about expressing emotions to others can also bring up feelings of uncertainty and fear.

Emotions are something you Have, not something you Are.

The best way to understand and regulate your emotions is through Life coaching. It is the most customized way, specially meant and focused on you, your experiences, and your expectations. Through Life Coaching you get the knack of maneuvering your emotions which can help you react rationally to a situation. In this way by accepting your emotions, you can often recover from an emotional reaction more easily. Learning to accept your own emotions can also help you develop empathy towards others. You learn to predict how a situation or person might affect you by understanding your own emotional state. It can allow you to observe your emotional reactions to situations and learn how to improve your responses. 

Role of Life Coaching in better understanding your emotions:

  • The balance between thoughts and emotions pertaining to experiences faced in your life
  • Develops emotional intelligence
  • Develops self-awareness and emotional awareness
  • Develops self-control over outbursts of emotions
  • Reduce stress-level and anxiety
  • Enhances motivational and personal power
  • Improves interpersonal relationships and empathy
  • A better approach to impacts on almost every aspect of life

You can develop control of your emotions when your reaction is constant to the insignificant actions of others.

It is important to understand your feelings and emotions, including how they manifest in your body. Managing emotional reactions means choosing how and when to express emotions and react. Management of emotions is also an important skill for a successful career. It helps you manage your reactions, by underplaying one emotion when not appropriate and overemphasizing another one when you feel the job cannot be done without it.

Through Life coaching, you can learn to manage your emotions which can help you react constructively to people or events. It can benefit your career by helping you make rational choices and develop relationships with others. The coach mentors you to understand the situation, accept, regulate, and express your emotions accordingly. It assists to develop more positive and constructive ways of responding to good and bad stimuli in our world.

‘Life is like riding a bic‘Life Coaching is like an essence for awakening and controlling of your Emotions’.ycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.’

By Parul Dadhich